Perfil de Vinícius Sartori Louzada

IIlustration for a Book Fair - Design and Concept

Illustration of a logotype for a book fair in Brazil that occured in september of 2023. All the concepts and the early ideas of the project are right bellow.
The briefing given was to create something the resembles creativity, imagination and lecture for everybody. 
So I chose a tree of books to symbolize it. Being reading as a key for knowledge and mastery that can open minds to new experiences and oppurtunities.
The client chose a phrase to emphazises it: "Sowing reading, harvesting knowledge". The phrase wasn't a creation of mine.
The beginning of the project was going to a more ludic and playful way. But in the end the color palette and the design changed to something between childish and maturing that most of the people could enjoy.
Thanks for watching!
IIlustration for a Book Fair - Design and Concept
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IIlustration for a Book Fair - Design and Concept

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