Profil appartenant à Lincoln Leong

NUS PhD Graduate Profile Portal

Web app that helped PhD graduates get hired, resulting in 37% improvement in NUS graduate employment survey results

Product Manager, Product Designer

Launch Date
3 October 2022

User Base
204 PhD Graduates, 32 Companies
Try the Final Prototype Here (Employer's Perspective)
In various years of graduate employment survey conducted by NUS, a number of our PhD graduates have reflected that they find it challenging to secure jobs that align closely with their skills and expertise immediately after graduate school, particularly without the necessary connections. Jobs requiring PhD qualifications are highly specialized and scarce.

Business Goals
Facilitate job placements for NUS PhD graduates fresh out of graduation
Support early stage career development of our PhD graduates and supports their transition from academia to industry, government, or academia roles
Showcase university talent to top companies and enhance the university's reputation as a source of top-tier talent in various fields
Drive Industry Partnerships between the university and industry organizations
NUS PhD Graduate Profile Portal
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NUS PhD Graduate Profile Portal

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