Immigrant Services Calgary Annual Report 07/08

Immigrant Services Calgary speaks to all of us, with all of us, and for all of us. Because it is when we speak together, that our voice is heard. Designed using the voice of the people involved, their stories and hauntingly beautiful photography this piece really profiled the value of my fellow immigrants. This piece was an opportunity to really stretch my design muscles, from the oversized format to the custom designed typeface, this piece was a privilege to design and gained invaluable exposure to such a deserving organization.
Communication Arts Design Annual (Featured on Cover, and profiled)
Anvil Award (Best Annual)
Black Book 100 (Top 10 Illustration, Top 10 Typography)
Applied Arts Design Annual
HOW Design Annual
In the role of Designer, I was part of the team that delivered this project while at Foundry Communications Inc.


Immigrant Services Calgary Annual Report
