Profil appartenant à Sushant Kumar Rai

Identity Design: Spatial Flexibility

Logo Design for "Spatial Flexibility"

Problem statement: Special Flexibility is a prominently featured new program within the company, and to successfully market it company-wide, the Special Flexibility team recognizes the necessity for distinct identity design specifications. This entails the creation of a logo that harmoniously aligns with the company's overall image and can be seamlessly employed across all promotional and communication platforms.

Duration: 4 Weeks
Team Size: 1 Designer (only me)
Role: Research, Ideation, Concept Design, Sketching, Final Digital Design, Design Mockups

Outcome: The logo concept is inspired by the textual form of "SF" and embraces the simplicity, boldness, and aesthetic appeal outlined in Google's brand guidelines. Its adaptability enables effortless integration across diverse applications and sizes, ensuring a visually pleasing and cohesive design is consistently maintained.
Thank You!
Identity Design: Spatial Flexibility
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Identity Design: Spatial Flexibility

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