Puls 4 Redesign
Type: Channel branding / for: Puls 4 / commissioned by: Puls 4 / Date: July 2023
Between 2021 and 2023 and spread over several phases I was commissioned by PULS 4 to revise their channel design. In order to react to the changed usage behavior and to make PULS 4 more visible as a brand even outside of linear TV, the current promo design should be further developed accordingly. The aim was to build a flexible branding system that conveys the station's increasing integration into the streaming platform JOYN and to establish a generally positive mood.​​​​​​​
Starting with various moods and design approaches, I developed the basic visual concept with several underlying design principles, style frames and animatics. Building on this, the new channel design was finally refined and implemented in-house by PULS 4.

Design principles

Selected style frames

My role: Visual concept, styleframes and animatics
Art director @Puls 4: Martin Härtlein
commissioned by: Puls 4
for: Puls 4
Puls 4 Redesign


Puls 4 Redesign
