Profil Ira Poloz

Love in the City: Valentine's Day Posters

Love in the City: Valentine's Day Posters

Love is in the air, and we're spreading it all over the city with our vibrant and heartfelt Valentine's Day posters.

We believe that Valentine's Day is more than just a day for romance. It's a celebration of love in all its forms, whether it's between partners, family members, friends, or even strangers.

With our posters, we aim to create a wave of love and positivity that will wash over our city. We've designed them with eye-catching colors, playful illustrations, and messages that are sure to warm hearts and inspire smiles.​​​​​​​
We've placed our posters in high-traffic areas, so that everyone can enjoy them. Whether you're walking to work, taking a bus, or simply exploring the city, you're bound to spot one of our posters and feel the love.

Maybe you'll give a compliment to a stranger, hold the door open for someone, or simply tell your loved ones how much you care.

Role: graphic designer
Art direction: Luchinina Anastasia
Graphic designer: Irina Polozova

Love in the City: Valentine's Day Posters


Love in the City: Valentine's Day Posters
