Profilo di Jabulani Jere

The Adventures of Philo Jana

The Adventures of Philo Jana
Created by Jabulani Jere
The Adventures of Philo Jana is a comic book series written and created by Jabulani Jere, and produced by One Thousand House in 2024. 

The comic book centers around the experiences that Jabulani, the creator has been through, as well as second hand or empirical experiences gathered through the eyes of other Malawians, such as friends, family or bystanders (NPCs). 

The balance between storytelling and exaggeration is created through the use of satire, humor and language used daily to portray visuals representative of the character's emotion during the course of these experiences. Philo Jana is as real as they get - because you will find yourself feeling nostalgic and eager to relive memories once rushed to forget through this series. ​​​​​​​ 
Philo Jana
The main character. Philo is a modern day citizen, plagued with the ever evolving world of censorship, youthfulness, AI, skewed perspectives and political correctness, among many other 21st Century existentialism. 
Philo Jana is the focal point of the comic book series and he is seen as the main instigator of most of his self proclaimed adventures, and is pinned as a family man, prioritizing family and the needs of the house before his own. 
Mama Jana
The owner of the household, and the youngest personality created, yet is to be the oldest soul in the series. Mama Jana is portrayed as a young woman, taking care of three boys, whilst balancing her own life as a woman in our world. 
She is wise and witty, young yet seasoned in the affairs of her home and of the surrounding world. 
Mama is a reflection of the women that we see today, and will allow for the comic book series to layout the varying aspects of identifying as a woman in our oversized earth. 
Uchi Jana
Also known as "Light Skin" is the oldest of the bunch, and is seldom seen in the comic book series. This character represents a lot more than the comic book regularly invokes through the other characters. 
Uchi Jana is the most busy, the most accomplished and the brightest member of the household, yet his segments seem to be more thought provoking than the rest of the cast's, proving the theory that the least seen is the most needed as being the oldest, he finds it is his obligation to ensure the stability of the household. 

Eka Jana
Eka Jana is the most ambitious of the Jana family, and is the personification of grit and vision. 
Eka wants the best, needs the best and will settle at nothing to make sure that the praises are the only things that follow his name - however, life taught us all that glory hunting, stat paddling, goal poaching, comes at a price. 
This character is the most relatable to those who know the personality of those with the characteristics outlined above, and is the most absurd character to those who do not share the same passion for success as Eka does. 
Released under One Thousand House, 2024. 
The Adventures of Philo Jana


The Adventures of Philo Jana
