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Norwegian Safety Brochure

Norwegian Safety Brochures
The airline company, Norwegian, made a strategic decision to renew the safety brochures on all its aircraft. The airline identified a need for an upgrade to meet new requirements for clearer communication of safety procedures, stronger brand recognition through visual representation, and a better depiction of people and planes in a modern and updated style in accordance with the recently updated Norwegian profile. Previously, the illustrations were created in 3D, a style that did not perform well at small sizes. Additionally, Norwegian aimed to create a more neutral representation of people. This was in response to feedback that earlier illustrations conspicuously reflected a specific ethnicity and embodied an idealized body type, which some passengers found problematic.
Style & Identity
We aimed to incorporate more of Norwegian's identity into the new look.
Therefore, we based our design on the established brand colours—red, white, and blue—as a main element in the illustrations. To ensure that the illustrations worked effectively in smaller sizes, we focused extensively on simplification, developing a style that is a mix between illustration and icon. This style harmonises well with Norwegian's established pictograms and design language. We utilised large areas, inversion, and contour lines to guide the eye and to create an illusion of more complex shapes


Lead Character Illustration / Graphic Design
Jonathan Averstedt

Art Direction / Advisor / Graphic Design / Illustration
Christian Ruud

Johanne Bull Lund / Anja Nordbø

Made by TRY
Norwegian Safety Brochure

Norwegian Safety Brochure
