Marina Capdevila 님의 프로필

ANTARCTICA, the imaginary continent

These are the illustrations I did for the catalan tv program 33 RECOMANA, from TV3 channel, to explain the discovery of the Antarctica continent. Barcelona 2014.
The expedition Nimrod arrived at the Antarctica continent for the first time in 1911
But 2500 years before that, the greek civilization knew about this continent. Pythagoras though about the possibility of the earth could have been spherical.
Aristotle though if the earth was spherical another continent would have needed to give some balance to the earth
The greek civilization knew about this undiscovered continent, but when they travelled to the south to look for it, they got scared of the high temperature and they though that down there was everything on fire 
Claudius Ptolemy draw the fisrt map with this mysterious continent attached to Africa
In Medieval period people though that in the mysterious contintent people walk upside down
What they would think if they discovered the truth about this continent? 
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ANTARCTICA, the imaginary continent

ANTARCTICA, the imaginary continent

illustrations for tv program 33 Recomana. Barcelona 2014.
