Perfil de Bahar Ghiasi

Daily Design Challenge 001

Starting today, I start a year-long daily design challenge. I'll be sharing each step of this journey with you.
For my first design, I'll focus on my ultimate passions: music and dance. It's always easier to brainstorm design ideas for something you deeply love. Remembering this, I recalled having a screenshot from Solomun's (King Solomun :D) Instagram page on my phone. I make it a practice to capture photos and screenshots of anything that I find potentially useful or inspiring for future designs.
The photo was of a girl dancing under the lights at ADE awakenings. For the design work, I used Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.

Let me know what you think of the design.

May the beats be ever in your favor.
See you all tomorrow :)
Daily Design Challenge 001


Daily Design Challenge 001



Sectores creativos