LaiYee Ho さんのプロファイル

Amazon Fire TV - Movie Detail Page

Amazon Fire TV 
Amazon Digital Platform Design Team
I did the interaction design for the movie detail page on Amazon Fire TV. 
I worked with a visual designer, production designer, motion designer/prototyper, design manager, product managers, engineers, executive leaders and countless teams within Amazon to ship the movie detail experience on Amazon Fire TV. 
Amazon Fire TV launched on April 2, 2014. Check out the Amazon Fire TV on Amazon today.
Movie Detail Page Across Multiple Page States
The movie detail page design changes depending on the state of the content (Available to buy, available to rent, available on Prime, available on 3rd party) and the state of the user (Prime subscribed, 3rd Party subscribed, Owns content, Doesn't own content). The design had to be flexible enough to accomodate all of these different permutations. 
Layout Sketches
The following are layout sketches of all the components of the detail page. The page needed to accomodate an overview, other movie suggestions and a cast page. 
These wireframes showed the flow between the move detail page and the subsequent subpages of the experience, including the cast page, and other features that would be included in the left hand side menu. 
Final implementation
The following are screens that shipped with the final product. I worked very closely with our visual designer, who took my interaction designs and completed the pixel perfect version of the designs. 
Amazon Fire TV - Movie Detail Page
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Amazon Fire TV - Movie Detail Page

Interaction design of the movie detail page for the Amazon Fire TV.

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