Perfil de Evgeniya Ershova


Why You Actually Feel Lonely Among People?
In today’s world, our ability to socialize seems more accessible than ever before. We are constantly surrounded by people, connected with friends and acquaintances through social networks, and yet many of us experience feelings of loneliness even when in the midst of a crowd. Why does this happen, and how can we find a solution to this problem?

At first glance, feeling lonely amidst a crowd may seem paradoxical. We may be at a party or in the office, surrounded by colleagues every day, and still feel isolated. This not only causes discomfort but can also have a negative impact on our mental and physical health.

Why Does This Happen?
Let’s look at this from the perspective of energy and astrology to understand the deeper reasons for feeling lonely, even when surrounded by people.

From an energetic point of view, each of us emits our own unique energy, our aura energy. When our energies are not harmonized or synchronized with the energy of those around us, it can create a sense of disconnection and loneliness, even if we are physically surrounded by many people. For example, negative or underdeveloped energy centers (chakras in the body) can hinder us from forming deep connections with others.

From an astrological perspective, the position of the planets at the moment of our birth can determine our internal tendencies and social interaction needs. For instance, aspects to the Moon and Venus in our natal chart may indicate our emotional needs and our ability to establish deep connections with others.

It is also important to consider collective energy and collective consciousness. Energy shifts and astrological events can heighten our emotional sensitivity and create a sense of disconnection.

In Search of Harmony
To overcome the feeling of loneliness, it is important to turn to a variety of practices and approaches that can help establish deeper connections with others, and most importantly, achieve inner harmony.

Meditation and Energy Work: Regular meditation practice and working with energy centers (chakras) can help harmonize our energies and improve our perception of the world around us. Meditation helps us find inner peace and clarity, which in turn contributes to establishing deeper and more meaningful relationships with others.

Breathing Practices: Deep breathing exercises can be a powerful tool for relieving tension and restoring energy balance. They help us recognize our inner strength and facilitate the release of emotional blocks, making it easier for us to establish harmonious relationships with others.

Working with Astrological Factors: Using astrology knowledge can help us better understand our inner needs and abilities in communicating with others. Referring to our natal chart and understanding planetary influences can help us better understand our relationships with others and work on improving them.

Developing Communication Skills: The ability to express our thoughts and feelings, as well as to listen and understand others, plays a key role in establishing deep connections with others. Working on developing empathy, respect, and openness in communication can help us create warmer and more supportive relationships.

Finding Community: Finding a group of people who share our interests and values ​​can be the key to overcoming the feeling of loneliness. Joining a community where we feel accepted and understood allows us to open up and find support in our quest for harmony and happiness.

Using the Aura app will allow you to determine your energy level and influence it, including through practices available directly in the app.

Together these approaches help us not only overcome the feeling of loneliness, but also create a more satisfying and meaningful life, filled with deep and meaningful relationships.



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