Aleks Greniers profil

Typeface Poster Project (Times New Roman)

Type Designer Poster (Times New Roman)
This is a project I was assigned in my Typography and Layout class. I was to research a given typeface, create a poster using only that typeface in black in white, (including the research done on typographer and typeface, use of all of the letters and numbers, the typographer's name, and of course the name of the typeface) then after critique, I made some minor changes to my poster, as well as added color to finish it off.
My Research:
"Times New Roman is a serif style font commissioned by The Times newspaper in 1931 and made by Stanley Morison in collaboration with Victor Lardent. The goal was to change the type in the newspaper to be more robust, modern, and easier to read compared to the spindly midcentury style before. Before Times New Roman, there were other typefaces similar like Roman and Times Roman. Times New Roman was officially on the market one year later. This style is now most popular in book printing and other forms of print that every student learns to love to hate. Brulia and Gayaku are other typefaces that pair well with Times New Roman."
First Poster (Black and White):
This is the first iteration of my typeface poster done in black and white before critiquing. 
Poster In Color (First attempt):
This was my first attempt at adding color, then I asked my peers for critiquing, and they helped me realize I wasn't following the rules properly, so I had to make some more changes. 
Final Poster:
Here is my final poster after critiquing and re-examining the rules. I am pleased with the changes made. Thank you for viewing!
Typeface Poster Project (Times New Roman)

Typeface Poster Project (Times New Roman)



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