Cosmic DreamScapes
This series of experimental artworks features images captured along the coast of Cornwall, presenting landscapes imbued with a dreamlike quality. These dreamscapes are distinguished by their ethereal palette and abstracted depiction of nature.

DreamScape 5119
DreamScape 5065
DreamScape 5267
DreamScape 5324
DreamScape 5400
Artist Statement: The Confluence of Abstraction, Romanticism, Technology, and Pixel Sorting in Capturing the Sublime

In my artistic journey, the allure of abstraction, reminiscent of the Romanticist tradition, has drawn me into a profound exploration of technological advancements and innovative techniques. Additionally, I have introduced a new layer of manipulation to my most recent body of work, which involves pixel sorting—a method by which landscape imagery is rearranged to create a semblance of order within the disordered. This approach allows for increased painterly expressions akin to the techniques employed by luminaries such as William Turner.

Abstraction remains a fundamental underpinning of my creative process. The abstract offers a unique vantage point, one where the boundaries between concrete reality and imaginative interpretation blur, affording viewers the opportunity to engage with the world in an unconventional and emotionally charged manner. This aesthetic resonance with Romanticism, as epitomized by Turner, emphasizes the desire to transcend conventional artistic boundaries and create experiences that transcend the tangible.

The integration of pixel sorting as a new layer of manipulation in my recent work introduces a unique dimension to my artistic narrative. By systematically rearranging the pixels of landscape imagery, I construct a semblance of order from the disordered, much like Turner's ability to harness the natural world's chaos and transform it into captivating, emotionally charged scenes. The pixel sorting process, in its capacity to reconfigure visual data, allows me to imbue my work with a sense of abstraction and painterly expression that echoes Turner's innovative techniques.

Intentional camera movement (ICM) continues to be a prominent technique in my creative process. Here, the camera operates as a paintbrush and the exposure acts as the canvas, permitting me to convey the fleeting essence of a scene or memory, now further manipulated by the incorporation of pixel sorting. This interplay between ICM and pixel sorting serves as a bridge to abstraction, thereby creating an emotionally charged experience akin to Turner's depictions of the sublime.

Contemporary influences, such as the work of photographers like Andy Gray, remain pertinent to my creative exploration. Their commitment to abstraction in the digital age resonates profoundly, as it underscores the enduring allure of abstract expression and the ability of art to adapt to the contemporary landscape.

My recent body of work seeks to converge the historical appeal of Romanticism with the innovative potential of technological advancements and pixel sorting. This evolution in technique not only encapsulates the sublime in the 21st century but also augments the allure of abstraction by introducing painterly expressions and emotional depth. Through this synthesis of methods, I invite viewers to traverse a realm where abstraction, technology, and artistic innovation converge, engendering the evocation of memory and emotions amidst disordered landscapes and the ever-encroaching allure of the sublime.
All Artwork copyright © of the Artist. Not to be redistributed or reproduced without written consent
Cosmic Dreamscapes

Cosmic Dreamscapes
