My Mother Tongue: Celebrating Indigenous Language Revitalization

Preserving Heritage, Empowering Communities
Historical events like the Indian Civilization Act of 1819 and the establishment of Indian boarding schools have posed significant challenges to Indigenous language preservation. These schools enforced assimilation policies, leading to the suppression of Indigenous languages and cultures.
Honoring Indigenous Contributions: Celebrate the invaluable contributions of Indigenous revitalizers in preserving and revitalizing their languages.

Raising Awareness: Educate the public about the historical and ongoing challenges faced by Indigenous communities in language preservation.

Community Empowerment: Foster support and engagement from donors, supporters, and educational institutions to empower Indigenous language revitalization initiatives.
Target Audience
General Public: Individuals interested in Indigenous cultures, languages, and heritage.

Donors and Supporters: Organizations or individuals passionate about supporting Indigenous language revitalization efforts.

Educational Institutions: Schools, colleges, and universities seeking to integrate cultural content into their curricula.
Brand Identity
Maragsâ Typeface: Developed by Jjohn David Maza, Maragsâ is a display, semi-serif typeface inspired by the pakupyâ accent used in Filipino pronunciation guides. Its tapered tips and sharp edges mirror the flowing strokes and abrupt cuts in Indigenous languages, symbolizing the resilience and adaptability of Indigenous cultures.

Natural Greens and Beiges: The color palette draws inspiration from the earth's bounty and the rich hues of Indigenous landscapes. Greens symbolize growth, renewal, and connection to the land, while beiges evoke a sense of warmth, heritage, and authenticity.
Curated Videos: Showcase compelling documentaries, such as "To Wake Up the Nakota Language" and "Voices on the Rise," from Telus' Voices on the Rise to highlight the journey of language revitalization efforts.

Visualizations: Utilize innovative visualizations like Voronoi diagrams to depict the evolution of Indigenous language speakers, fostering understanding and empathy.

Symbolic Elements: Integrate culturally significant elements, like incense packaging inspired by the practice of smudging, to express gratitude and connection with Indigenous traditions.
Cultural Preservation: Contribute to the preservation and celebration of Indigenous cultures and languages, ensuring their resilience and continuity.

Awareness and Advocacy: Raise awareness about the importance of Indigenous languages and advocate for policies and initiatives that support their revitalization.

Community Engagement: Engage Indigenous communities, allies, and stakeholders in collaborative efforts to empower language revitalization initiatives.
Interactive Prototype
My Mother Tongue
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My Mother Tongue

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