nadia-mari oosthuizens profil

Online tags/Stickers for sales,discounts and promotions

Placeholder image if the site has no image for the current product. As the site is brand new, we need to think of all the gaps, so they don't appear as gaps to the customer. This also improves the online shopping experience.
Sticker/tag for online products to show which are marked at discounted prices. The BIG one on the left is on the actual product display page and the one to the right forms part of the thumbnail images - so the customer can still see (on a small scale) which are on specials
Sticker/tag for online products to show which are combodeals.
Sticker/tag for online products to show which are currently out of stock.
This is an example for the big sticker/tag on an actual product
This is part of the subpage banners - to promote some specials online, while you shop
Online tags/Stickers for sales,discounts and promotions

Online tags/Stickers for sales,discounts and promotions

These are the online shopping experience designs - these help the customer to know right off the bat which products are out of stock, on sale, co Læs mere
