The snapper-jaw is a creature concept for an enemy in the conceptual game Pixie-Dust. The creature was conceptualized in Procreate, modeled in 3DSMax, textured in Mudbox ,and then again rendered in 3DSMax. 
In Pixie Dust, the player must trap and use pixies to get ahead. (Don’t worry, the pixies are nastier than my creature is.) The snapper jaw is an enemy to the player character. It can be neutralized in several ways, but it is a stronger enemy in the game. The presence of a snapper jaw denotes the presence of a pixie den. For the player character to take advantage of the considerable power boost from a whole den of pixies, they must first neutralize the snapper-jaw. If you can sneak up on a snapper-jaw while it is still sleeping, it can be neutralized in a number of less violent ways: a deep sleep spell, a midair suspension, or a statue potion. If approached without a deterrent, it is a territorial creature. It has incredibly sensitive hearing from the shape of its skull, in addition to night vision akin to an owl. Once noticed, you’d better run; with the strength of a bear and the speed of a wolf, the player is in for a swift demise without the proper level or precautions.
This model demonstrates my ability to create low-poly stylistic creatures for use in games. Additionally, it demonstrates the ability to develop a model from concept to finished 3D model. 


