Victor Mozza's profileMozza Studio's profile


Ascend to the apex of victory.

Born to Win is a brazilian sales team founded with the goal of achieving high performance and unity. The brand emerged to raise the flag that inspires and empowers sellers to achieve better results through collaboration and high performance.

I had the immense pleasure of giving life and expressing the energy that moves this team, developing a strong emotional brand to generate impact and motivate each member to always renew their internal calling that allows them to overcome new challenges.

Ascenda a chama da vitória. 

A Born to Win é um time de vendas fundado com o propósito de ascender o espírito de alta performance e união. A marca nasce como uma bandeira para inspirar e potencializar o desejo de cada vendedor em obter melhores resultados por meio da união em prol da alta performance. 

Tive o imenso prazer de dar vida e expressar toda a energia que move essa equipe, desenvolvendo uma marca forte que se comunica de forma emocional para gerar o impacto que move e motivar cada vendedor a buscar o renascimento constante de sua chama interna que o faz superar cada novo desafio.

Brand Concept
Every sale marks a new beginning!  

The concept was developed to carefully balance the feeling of competence and professionalism with the energy and motivation that comes with a successful sales process in all aspects. Begin with the B2W logo, a union of parts that form a unique and impactful phoenix, and expand with 3D applications that provide depth and sophistication for high-performance sales. These symbols are also reframed as cropped devices that put sellers in the centre. To showcase each team member actively and confidently taking control of their sales process.

The phoenix rises from the ashes, as do all successful sellers who strive for the next goal and better results.



Ascend to the apex of victory. Born to Win is a brazilian sales team founded with the goal of achieving high performance and unity. The brand em Read More
