Profil appartenant à Melina Bdt

A Winter's Rhapsody

A Winter's Rhapsody
With a gentle whisper, the wind weaves its way through the bare branches, conjuring up delicate snow crystals and setting them dancing in a shimmering waltz. On the twigs, they form intricate structures, tiny masterpieces of nature that sparkle like diamonds in the sun.
To pause in these moments, to soak up the harmony of the winter landscape and capture its fragile beauty with a camera - these are for me the most beautiful moments of happiness in everyday life. A gift from nature that never ceases to enchant me anew.
Rhön, Germany
Pictures were taken with the Sony aiii, the 24-105 mm Zoom-Lense and the 77 mm NiSi Close-Up Lense and edited in Lightroom.

Thank you for watching! 

- Melina
A Winter's Rhapsody
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