Data Analyst with 🆒 Projects's profile

Let's Look Into My Power BI projects : PART ||

Let's Look Into My Power BI projects : PART

In our project, we undertake a comprehensive analysis encompassing cluster analysis, segmentation analysis, product analysis, forecasting analysis, and ABC classification. Through these methodologies, we aim to extract meaningful insights and optimize various aspects of business operations, ranging from market segmentation and product performance evaluation to inventory management and future trend forecasting. By leveraging these analytical approaches, we seek to enhance decision-making processes and drive strategic initiatives for sustainable growth and competitive advantage.​​​​​​​

1.Cluster Analysis
Cluster analysis is a statistical technique used to group similar objects or data points into clusters, based on certain characteristics or attributes. It helps in identifying patterns and relationships within the data.

2.Segmentation Analysis
Segmentation analysis involves dividing a market or a group of customers into distinct segments based on similar characteristics or behavior. By understanding the different segments within a market, businesses can tailor their marketing strategies, product offerings, and messaging to better meet the needs and preferences of each segment, ultimately leading to more effective targeting and increased customer satisfaction.

3. Product Analysis
Product analysis involves examining various aspects of a product, such as its features, performance, quality, pricing, and market demand. This analysis helps businesses understand the strengths and weaknesses of their products, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about product development, marketing strategies, and pricing strategies.

4.Forecasting Analysis
Forecasting analysis involves predicting future trends, events, or outcomes based on historical data and statistical models. Businesses use forecasting analysis to anticipate changes in demand temperature, sales, market conditions, and other relevant factors, allowing them to make proactive decisions and allocate resources more effectively.Here, I used to forecast temperature.

5.ABC Classification
ABC classification is a technique used in inventory management to categorize items based on their importance and value to the business. Items are typically classified into three categories: A, B, and C, with A items being the most valuable and deserving of the highest level of attention and resources, and C items being the least valuable. This classification helps businesses prioritize their inventory management efforts, focusing on the items that have the greatest impact on their bottom line.
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Let's Look Into My Power BI projects : PART ||

Let's Look Into My Power BI projects : PART ||
