Alex Kimes profil

Alex Kime - Owner of Alaska Horsemen Trail Adventures

Brief Introduction of Alex Kime — Tour Guide and Owner of Alaska Horsemen Trail Adventures
Alex Kime moved from Oregon to Alaska in 1963, at the age of 12, in search of untold adventures. His early years in Alaska were marked by significant events, including the devastating Great Alaska earthquake that struck just a year after he arrived. Throughout the 1970s, Alex’s adventurous spirit led him to drive trucks on the Haul Road and help build the Great Alaska Pipeline to Prudhoe Bay. Alex’s journey took a pivotal turn in the 1980s when he purchased his first horse, Cyrano, which opened up a new world of exploration in the Kenai Mountains’ back-country. His desire to share the breathtaking beauty of Alaska’s back-country on historical trails of the natives and pioneers became the cornerstone of his life’s work. 

In 1997, alongside his daughter Gretchen, Alex founded Alaska Horsemen Trail Adventures in Cooper Landing, turning his profound connection with the Alaskan wilderness into a venture that would allow others to experience the same exhilarating beauty and freedom. The company was named in honor of the packers who originally pioneered the Tustumena and Kenai Mountains by horseback, encapsulating the spirit of adventure and exploration that Alex and Gretchen aimed to share with the world. Their guiding and packing service through the Chugach National Forest and the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge became a beacon for those seeking authentic Alaskan adventures. 

Alaska Horsemen Trail Adventures quickly established itself as a premier destination for those looking to immerse themselves in the Alaskan wilderness. Alex’s extensive experience exploring the Kenai Peninsula by horseback for over thirty years served as the foundation for the company’s offerings. From serene cabin rentals nestled in a pioneer setting to exhilarating horseback riding adventures, group retreats, and more, the lodge in Cooper Landing became a haven for adventurers and nature lovers alike.

The essence of Alaska Horsemen Trail Adventures lies in its deep-rooted connection to the history and beauty of Alaska. Alex’s passion for the back-country and the historical trails of the natives and pioneers is woven into every adventure the company offers. This commitment to authentic experiences allows visitors to not only witness the majestic landscapes of Alaska but also step into the shoes of the original Alaska Horsemen, embracing the rugged beauty and pioneering spirit of the Kenai Peninsula.

As Alaska Horsemen Trail Adventures continues to thrive, Alex and Gretchen invite adventurers from around the world to join them in Cooper Landing. Here, amidst the wild majesty of Alaska, guests become part of a legacy of exploration and discovery, following in the footsteps of Alex, Cyrano, and the many packers who have traversed these mountains. It’s an invitation to become one of the “Alaska Horsemen,” to forge your own path through the wilderness, and to experience the unparalleled beauty of Alaska in the most authentic way possible.
Alex Kime - Owner of Alaska Horsemen Trail Adventures

Alex Kime - Owner of Alaska Horsemen Trail Adventures


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