And, like a movie reel that catches, jerking the image on the screen before you, your reality shifts.
Tower, knight, and path have vanished; their images a memory now, along with their menace.
You gently float on a current that leads to the river's bend ahead. The beasts of the forest watch as you pass, their eyes curious and yet knowing.
The dampness beneath you on the lily pad's slick surface uncomfortable, yet you are unable to shift, your fear of the dark water and its inhabitants holding you in place on your fragile boat.
Other than the sound of flowing water, frogs, and distant birds; it is a silent world, oppressively so, as the eyes follow your progress, their owners still as you pass.
You wonder, are they watching for the Hunter, marking your flight for future capture? Or, are they merely hungry, for entertainment, and a possible meal.
So, onward you float, waiting for the next adventure to begin, keeping all body parts tucked neatly in to prevent any interaction with the wildlife.
This image is from my Dream World series, featuring my composite conceptula art from my own photography. The image is a consortment of component of the images featured above. I hope that you are enjoying the ongoing story. Thank-you for taking the time to visit my portfolio.
The River

The River

This is the 10th image for my blog The blog is a visual fairy tale of Alyssa's dream world. The images are conceptual Read More


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