Chloe Douzable 的个人资料

DIGITS Senior Project Week 4: Rigs, Layouts, and Shots

DIGITS Senior Project Week 4: Rigs, Shots and layouts
   This week I planned to create front facing rigs for both Peony and Jo. I completed the rigs but had difficulty using them for the shots I assumed would match the rigs I made so I decided to try out using half the rig and hand drawing parts that needed a different perspective. I mainly used the heads of the rigs so that the characters would stay on model and made the parts I hand drew into simple rigs. When it came to blocking and animating the shots, I really enjoyed working hybrid. I think it made things much more efficient instead of trying to work with rigs only. As for layouts, The pipeline of having black and white layouts for these shots has made it easier to stage my scenes and also give me a chance to work on something outside of toon boom to prevent burnout. Overall this week was very productive and I'm excited to continue to the next.
Character Rigs
Layouts (shots 7,8,23)
Animatic (with shots implemented)
DIGITS Senior Project Week 4: Rigs, Layouts, and Shots


DIGITS Senior Project Week 4: Rigs, Layouts, and Shots
