Kinda Ghannoums profil

Posters Collection 2021-2023

Posters Collection 2021-2023

●​​​​​​​  Freedom | حرية  
●  ARABORAMA Book by Institut du monde arabe 2021

●  Forbidden Colors 2023
●  Inspired by Felix Gonzalez-Torres artwork the Forbidden Colors 1988

"It is a fact people are discriminated against for being HIV positive. It is a fact the majority of the Nazi industrialists retained their wealth after the war. It is a fact the night belongs to Michelob and Coke is real. It is a fact the color of your skin matters. It is a fact Crazy Eddie's prices are insane. It is a fact that four colors--red, black, green and white--placed next to each other in any form are strictly forbidden by the Israeli army in the occupied Palestinian territories. This color combination can cause an arrest, a beating, a curtew, a shooting, or a news photograph. Yet it is a fact that these forbidden colors, presented as a solitary act of consciousness here in Soho, will not precipitate a similar reaction.

From the first moment of encounter, the four color canvases in this room will "speak" to everyone. Some will define them as an exercise in color theory, or some sort of abstraction. Some as four boring rectangular canvases hanging on the wall. A few experts will interpret them as yet another minimalist ecstasy. Now that you've read this text, I hope for a different message." Felix Gonzalez-Torres

You can download this poster for free using this link

●  HUMANITY HAS FAILED |  فشلت الإنسانية 
●  2023

You can download this poster for free using this link

●  A quote by Nawal Saadawi الوطن حيث يكون الحب و تكون الحرية"  
●  Arabic lettering workshop 2022

You can purchase this poster from cairopolitan and hobb (gray, black and orange)

Stay connected | Kinda Ghannoum                                                                     

Posters Collection 2021-2023

Posters Collection 2021-2023
