In powerlifting, participants have three attempts to lift maximum weight when squatting, deadlifting, or seat pressing. A strength and conditioning sport, powerlifting offers various benefits.

First, the sport improves strength and conditioning. Because the person lifts weights regularly to reach their maximal load, they become stronger. An added benefit is that lifting heavy weights enhances bone density and strengthens bones and connective tissue. Furthermore, when a person becomes stronger, they are less vulnerable to injury.

Lifting also helps individuals improve daily movements because the motion of lifting weights mimics the ones people execute throughout the day. For instance, the deadlift resembles picking up a heavy laundry basket, and pushing a stroller up a hill resembles pressing weight on a bench. When bending down to tie one’s shoe or pet an animal, the person moves and squats.

Next, powerlifting forces participants to push themselves mentally and physically. Powerlifting gives participants to test themselves. Finally, the sport is inclusive. People from all age groups and body types participate in the sport.
Benefits of Powerlifting

Benefits of Powerlifting
