Profiel van Riad Troni

Portfolio - University Application

Cover Page 
No context. I just wanted to decorate my front cover to show my brutalist/modernist type of style. 
Concept Art (1) 
This is a scan of concept art for my Fine Art and Design course. For context I have been studying the theme of Mythology and its impacts. During the project I began creating my own deities creatures etc. This was my first attempt and I began with a God of Death. My creative working process begins with drawing out my initial ideas to see what I like and dislike. 
Deity of Death Final Project 
The workflow and final piece of the project. I painted each piece individually and combined and edited them in Photoshop. As well as Mythology I've been looking at combining traditional and digital art. I also included the process of creating the deity which is an edited picture of me. 
Concept art (2) 
Another scan of more concept art and sketching. This is for my Graphic Communication coursework. My overall task was to generate ideas for food packaging. I chose Japanese dessert/snacks and created package concepts for Pocky, Mochi, Taikyaki and Dango. 
Amato Brand and Font Work 
This is the collection of all the font work created for the brand Amato and all its products. This was my third time creating packages during the course so the process went a lot quicker and smoother. 
Pockawaii Full Package Design 
This is the packaging net for the pocky design. I ended up making a sleeve and printing out the box in plastic. 
Moshi Mochi Full Package Design 
The net of the mochi box design for my Graphics course. 
Tabetaiyaki Full Package Design 
The Design net for the taiyaki. It is a lot more simpler and less detailed than the rest because unlike a product you'd find on a shelf, this is a take-out product. Paper Packages don't have nutritional information etc but are built to be convenient and recognizable. 
Amato Presentation Page 
The final result of the packages I created during component 1 of my Graphics course. Overall I like how they turned out but I would have added the food to the presentation and taken photos if I could redo it. The photoshoot page was mainly decorative and designed to make the packages stand out 
Fruit Drawing Scan 
During another project I was tasked with creating cartons for juice. So I began with Drawing fruits copying them and simplifying them. I could then scan this work and more efficiently and accurately digitalise them. 
Digitalised Fruits 
Digitalised concepts of the fruits to use for branding and logo work. 
Berry-Go!! Brand and Font Work 
A decorative page of the process of creating the fonts and branding of Berry-Go (The name of the juice carton company I decided). 
Berry-Go!! Front Panel Design 
I began with creating the front panels of the juice cartons. I decided on apple strawberry and pears. Having different aesthetics for each fruit made them look more visually interesting. I think that the repetitive nature of minimalism though coherent looks a bit stale so I chose to experiment with each carton. 
Berry-Go!! Apple Full Panel Design 
The finalised net of the Berry-Go!! Apple flavoured juice carton. 
Berry-Go!! Strawberry Full Panel Design 
The finalised net of the Berry-Go!! Strawberry flavoured juice carton. 
Berry-Go!! Pear Full Panel Design 
The finalised net of the Berry-Go!! Pear flavoured juice carton. 
Berry-Go!! Presentation Page (1) 
I Created a promotional/presentation page for the final piece just to make them stand out more and have more visual interest than a photoshoot of each side of the carton. 
Berry-Go!! Presentation Page (2) 
Second page of the presentation. This one has all the information and annotation that I had to do for the presentation. 
Concept Art (3) 
Scan of concept art for Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) for a Star Wars Project. I had the idea of creating a security droid/bot inspired by Star Wars robots and the Portal game. 
Final IRIS Drawing 
A finalised version of the droid as well as putting it in an environment. Also including the insides of the bot to give the robot more character and depth. 
IRIS 3D Character Sheet (1) 
I attempted to recreate my concept art in 3D. I am happy with the outcome though I do think it could have turned out much better since it was my first time ever 3D modelling 
IRIS 3D Character Sheet (2) 
Wireframe of the character model. 
IRIS ILM Poster 
A grungy poster I made during the ILM project when meeting artists from Escape Studios and Industrial Light & Magic. I used this as a showy decorative opener when showcasing my concept art and 3D model. 
Animation Character Sheet 
An original character sheet I made for an animation. I've been teaching myself to animate for a few months as a passion project and usually create profiles and concept art for them like mini projects. 
Animation Storyboard 
A scan of a storyboard I made for the previous character. I use post-it notes to correct mistakes or quickly trace over a piece to create new frames. 
Animatic: Insomniac 
The animatic I created. Unfortunately I never got the time to fully finish animating and adding colour though I plan to continue working on it. 
Manga Concept Art 
Concept art for a passion project I've been working on. This is some world building and idea generations I have for an original manga/comic I've been working on for the past year. Nothing has been finalised yet but I hope to create a few chapters by the end of this year. 
Manga Concept Art 
More preliminary work for my manga. 
Animation: Stroll Through The Stars 
When starting to learn how to animate I began with creating looping GIFs since they are quick and easier than a full animation. This is one that I extended into a short video with sound and music to have some ambience. I cropped it to a phones dimensions as this animation was originally for my art account on Social Media. 
Commission Work 
A collection of a few commissions I've done over the years. I usually give clients a set of 10/20 concepts to choose from which I then redo into a final sketch. Lastly uploading my work onto Illustrator where I complete the work into a final logo in multiple colour variations. 
Portfolio - University Application

Portfolio - University Application
