In this task I was asked to make a movie poster but in a minimalist style from a movie of my choice.
I wanted to get an idea of how to create a minimalist poster so I went on the internet and came across this poster which represents the movie with simple things such as the shark fin and the water showing it is a movie about a shark which is what I would like to have in my own poster.
For the font I was looking for something that represented the main character which was sharp and always precise. After some searching I found the font called Coolvetica which from my point of view represented the character well.
I created a couple of titles that I thought would look good so I conducted a survey and sent it off to a few classmates as I was unsure of which title I wanted to go with. When I got the results back it was clear people preferred the second one with the tie meaning I pursued the tie design.
Here is my illustrated poster I had made about the movie Hitman. I had replaced the I in Hitman with an object that makes the character stand out.
This is a mockup of what the poster would look like in a frame as decor. The mockup was found on the internet and edited in Photoshop.
This is what the poster would look like as an advertisement. This mockup was edited via Photoshop.
Illustrated Hitman poster

Illustrated Hitman poster
