Harald Szekely 的个人资料

KreditUp Website (2014)

Website (November 2014)

In November 2015, the FinTech company Vexcash AG relaunched its short-term loan website for business customers, which had not been maintained for some time. The aim was to retain the colour scheme and make the site largely recognizable, while at the same time carefully modernizing it.

The design was largely identical to the new company website that was also under construction at the time, which the management intended. KreditUp offered the same functionality, but for corporate customers instead of private customers.

I therefore designed a largely identical GUI. A fresh, very bright and light, relatively simple, yet detailed, easy to change design. KreditUp uses a more serious blue as its main color, while Vexcash's main color is green.

I built a completely responsive website based on Bootstrap, wrote all the HTML and CSS, redesigned the logo, the illustrations, the icons and the UX, based on the specifications of the management. As with all newly designed Vexcash AG websites, the main font used was the Google font Roboto in several variants.

The project prototype had already been completed in January 2015 and the developers were already starting to implement the program logic when work was halted due to other important tasks. And so the project lay idle for several years until it was finally abandoned in around 2019. The old, still existing KreditUp website had already been deleted earlier.

Unfortunately i don't own any screenshots of tablet and mobile versions anymore.

Please note: All following screenshots are prototypes I designed for the project, filled with dummy data. These designs were not necessarily implemented exactly as they are shown here.

Style Guide

Home Page


KreditUp Loan Calculator (4 Steps)

Miscellaneous Pages

All artwork created by Harald Székely. 
Copyright © 2014 by Vexcash AG. All rights reserved. 
KreditUp Website (2014)


KreditUp Website (2014)
