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Ang Chong Yi - Food avoid while drinking alcohol

Ang Chong Yi - Food choices to avoid while drinking alcohol
Alcohol and food go together like peanut butter and jelly, whether you’re hosting friends, enjoying a happy occasion, or just spending quiet evenings at home. But food and drinks are only enjoyable in limited amounts. Did you know that your chances of feeling hungry increase with the amount of alcohol you drink? This is because drinking alcohol makes you more hungry, which makes you want salty, greasy, and spicy foods like pizza. If you want to know what food combinations to avoid, read Ang Chong Yi-talks about things to avoid when pairing food & drink and stay safe. Read below to know what Ang Chong Yi says about incompatible food combinations.
Foods to avoid with alcohol

Regarding specific food and drink pairings, many well-known combinations are enjoyed by a wide range of people. Who could resist wine and cheese? However, alcohol and other foods don’t mix well. It will assist you in realizing that alcohol is the macronutrient that the body chooses to process before other foods. It is important to monitor the types of food you eat when you drink, even though moderation in alcohol consumption is advised. Health issues might arise from eating the wrong foods together.
Beer and Bread

Because beer dehydrates the body, it can be bad to combine it with bread. Because bread and beer include more yeast than other foods, the liver cannot properly process the alcohol they contain. The body has far more yeast than the stomach can handle when it comes to digestion. After that, the body tries to eliminate the toxins, which could cause bloating or stomach problems.

Even though chocolate may have other health benefits, consuming it with alcohol may aggravate digestive problems that damage the intestinal lining. This happens particularly if you are predisposed to digestive problems. Caffeine and cocoa combined with chocolate might worsen stomach issues and result in persistent hunger.

Even though this is a heartbreaker, pizza and alcohol are a bad combination. Unfortunately, many people regularly consume alcohol and pizza together. Alcohol causes the dough to not digest correctly, which can lead to stomach pain and discomfort. Furthermore, eating pizza increases your chances of weight gain and heart disease.
Salty food items

What could be better than booze and fries or pakode? But in reality, you are putting yourself in danger even if you think you are not. Stomach issues may arise from salty foods’ high sodium content. Higher salt content can cause dehydration, which increases the craving for more alcohol.
Dairy products
Dairy products such as cheese, milk, ice cream, dessert, melted butter, and yogurt should be avoided both before and after using alcohol. They will simply exacerbate your health issues. When alcohol and dairy products are consumed together, they might cause constipation, stomach pain, and infections.
Spicy foods

Spicy foods can upset your system in the same way that salty foods can. Alcohol consumption and spicy food consumption might irritate your stomach and lead to digestive problems. Spicy foods cause acid reflux because they slow down the stomach’s emptying process.
Final thoughts

If you think Ang Chong Yi saved you with his tips, it’s great. Now read what he says in Ang Chong Yi Backcountry Bites: Exploring the Gourmet Side of Camping for adventure lovers.

Ang Chong Yi - Food avoid while drinking alcohol

Ang Chong Yi - Food avoid while drinking alcohol


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