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Ang Chong Yi - Reasons for choosing a plant-based diet

Ang Chong Yi - Reasons for choosing a plant-based diet
If cancer prevention is something you need to consider, start with your diet. When it comes to reducing the risk of cancer, you should think in terms of diet instead of food. And a plant-based diet is the best when it comes to lowering the risk of cancer.

A plant-based diet doesn’t mean you can’t consume meat. A plant-based diet means most of the foods in your meals are plants, such as fruits, whole grains, and vegetables. Nuts, seeds, and beans are also included in this diet.
Ang Chong Yi talks about the health benefits of a plant-based diet in this article. If you are interested in the ethical side of going vegan, read Ang Chong Yi - views on ethical reasons to choose Plant-based foods.
Here are some reasons to eat a plant-based diet:
Plant foods and diet supports your immune system. 

Nutrients that are necessary for life are rich in plants. Your body's balance and the health of your cells are maintained by the vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and antioxidants found in plants. So, a plant diet allows your immune system to stay healthy.

Plants provide your body with the nutrients it needs to fend against illness. Eating a plant-based diet helps to boost your immune system's ability to fight against infections and microbes.

A robust immune system is crucial for lowering your chance of developing cancer because it can identify and combat cell abnormalities before they become diseases.
Plant foods reduce inflammation.

The unavoidable nutrients found in plant food support your body in reducing inflammation. They eliminate pollutants, processed foods, bacteria, viruses, and other toxins.

All these so-called free radicals that can upset your body's balance are captured by the antioxidants found in plant foods. So, it's crucial to follow a plant-based diet and pay attention to your body's signals about what foods are best for you to reduce inflammation.
A plant-based diet keeps you in optimal weight range. 

Hormone imbalance and inflammation are brought on by being overweight, and obesity causes so many other diseases.

You eliminate a lot of the things that cause weight gain if you eat a plant-based diet. You're also on the right track to losing weight if you include exercise.
Plant food options are high in fiber. 

All foods made from raw plants contain fiber. Fibre gives the plant its structure, and increasing your fiber intake will boost your health greatly.

A plant-based diet helps your gut recover, which makes it easier for you to absorb the nutrients that strengthen your immune system and lower inflammation from food. In addition to being excellent for gastrointestinal management, fiber can balance blood sugar and decrease cholesterol.
A plant-based diet prevents all types of life-threatening diseases. 

Eating a plant-based diet has several advantages beyond lowering your chance of cancer. A plant-based diet has also been demonstrated to lower the chance of developing diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some mental health conditions. 
Final thoughts

Following a healthy plant-based diet also lets you enjoy other foods linked with problems. If you are responsible for your diet and want to explore something tasty, read Indulge Your Desires: Global Sweet Treats Explored by Ang Chong Yi.

Ang Chong Yi - Reasons for choosing a plant-based diet

Ang Chong Yi - Reasons for choosing a plant-based diet


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