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Currentwise - Currency Converter App

Currentwise, is a comprehensive and user-friendly Currency Converter application designed to provide seamless currency conversion and exchange rate tracking capabilities.

Key Features of the Currency Converter App: 
- Currency Conversion: Perform real-time currency conversions with accurate and up-to-date exchange rates. 
- Currency Graph: Visualize the historical exchange rate trends between selected currencies for better analysis and decision-making.

This high-quality Mobile design template is well-prepared for iPhone resolution in iPhone size base, and fully customizable in other screen sizes such as Android phone. All elements have been designed to speed up your ideation and design process.

- Pixel Perfect
- Well Organized Layers, Groups, & Name
- 100% Ready for Customize
- Free font Clean,
- Modern & Stylish Light & Dark Theme
- Ready for Figma, XD, and Sketch



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Currentwise - Currency Converter App
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Currentwise - Currency Converter App

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