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5 Natural Ways to Take Care of Tooth Sensitivity

5 Natural Ways to Take Care of Tooth Sensitivity
Dr Amarnathan’s Dental Care - Best Dental Clinic in Tambaram

Have you experienced numbness or severe discomfort in your teeth while eating or drinking something hot or cold? If you answered yes, you might be experiencing tooth sensitivity.

What does this mean? Chronic inflammation leads to tooth sensitivity, a painful dental condition. It affects how one drinks, eats, and breathes. However, it is a common and curable disease.

According to the NCBI, one out of every eight patients who visited dentists had sensitive teeth.

In this blog, we will learn exactly what tooth sensitivity is and why it occurs. 

What Is Tooth Sensitivity?

Have you ever felt a twinge of pain while eating hot or cold foods? That's tooth sensitivity, saying hello. It occurs when the protective enamel on our teeth decides to take a rest. The result is that the sensitive nerves beneath are exposed.

Now you may be wondering what causes tooth sensitivity.

Many things can cause sensitive teeth. Some of them include gingivitis, receding gums, and, in some cases, overzealous brushing habits or poor dental hygiene. Going too hard with the toothbrush could also be the cause. Because they can make our teeth feel too sensitive for comfort.

It is critical to understand the underlying cause of your sensitivity before suggesting treatment. Meanwhile, you can try some home remedies until your next dental appointment. 

5 Tips to Tackle Tooth Sensitivity Naturally

1) Gentle Brushing

When it comes to tooth brushing, less is more. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles that are gentle on sensitive teeth and gums. To prevent enamel wear, rotate the brush in gentle circular motions. Brushing too hard can cause gums to recede and harm oral tissues. Harsh brushing has the potential to increase sensitivity!

2) Desensitizing Toothpaste

Purchase some decent desensitizing toothpaste. The compounds in this toothpaste make dentin less porous. Dentin is the firm, porous tissue beneath all teeth's enamel layers. The less porous the dentin, the more difficult it is for liquid to pass through. Reduced permeability protects the nerve beneath, which reduces tooth sensitivity and pain.

3) Saltwater Rinse

A saltwater rinse is a simple but effective cure. Salt is an antiseptic that can also reduce inflammation. Add 8 ounces of warm water and half a teaspoon of salt. Swish the salt water around your mouth several times. Finally, spit it out. This method lowers inflammation and soothes sensitive teeth.

4) Coconut Oil Pulling

Oil pulling with coconut oil is an age-old treatment for tooth sensitivity. Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve dental discomfort. 

How do I do it? Swish a tablespoon of coconut oil around your mouth for 15-20 minutes. Then spit it out. This procedure can help to strengthen teeth while reducing sensitivity. This method is known as oil pulling. Similarly, it reduces sensitivity while also promoting healthy teeth and gums.

5) Green Tea

Green tea is another substance with well-documented health benefits. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. As a result, it has been used in studies on cancer prevention and cardiovascular health. 

Green tea can improve your oral health. Its antioxidants can strengthen enamel while reducing sensitivity. 


Tooth sensitivity is an unpleasant sensation that can be extremely restrictive. It is not found in normal, healthy teeth. Sensitive teeth do not need to be a constant companion. Incorporate the basic and natural methods outlined above into your daily routine. Furthermore, you can say goodbye to discomfort and eat your favourite foods without worry. When it comes to dental health, consistency is key. Here's to painless grins in the future!

5 Natural Ways to Take Care of Tooth Sensitivity

5 Natural Ways to Take Care of Tooth Sensitivity


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