Henkilön Phan Khải profiili


​​​​​​​4-Season Wedding Pop-up Card
Embark on a journey through the Seasons of Love with our enchanting 3D popup card, a mesmerizing ode to romance and unity. As you unfold this masterpiece, prepare to be swept away by its vivid imagery and heartfelt symbolism.
At the heart of the card stands a majestic tree, its branches adorned with the essence of four seasons. From the delicate blooms of spring to the fiery hues of autumn, each season embodies a chapter in the enduring tale of love. Nestled beside the tree, a couple with a bicycle signifies the shared adventure and boundless joy that love brings.
Radiant hues of pastel pink and vibrant tones infuse the card with warmth and tenderness, capturing the essence of love in every shade. Crafted from premium art paper, this 15x20cm card exudes quality and elegance, inviting you to immerse yourself in its beauty.
Each leaf delicately cascades down, adding depth and dimension to the intricate 3D effect. With its image-based design, the card transcends language barriers, speaking directly to the heart of all who behold it.
Created with precision and passion, the "Seasons of Love" card is a testament to the power of artistry and technology. Designed using industry-leading software, every detail is meticulously crafted to perfection, ensuring a seamless and immersive experience.
I, Phan Khải (Fansky), am proud to present this creation, and I invite you to connect with me at Phannhukhai1998@gmail.com. Your interest and feedback are invaluable to me, so please don't hesitate to share your thoughts or questions.
Thank you for joining me on this journey of love and creativity. Together, let's celebrate the enduring beauty of love in all its seasons.


