​​​​​​​Chiaos solo exhibition
Through these paintings, I aim to express the uniqueness of legends from my hometown, Taiwan, and explore whether, under my interpretation, these stories can offer new inspiration in the contemporary context.
Exhibition Poster Design



Paiji's Red Eyes
"Legend has it that in the central part of Taiwan, there is a creature called Red-Eyed Paiji  that emits a deadly light, instilling fear among the tribal members and compelling them to relocate. However, in subsequent research, it is suggested that Paiji might have suffered from the smallpox, making people reluctant to approach and thus turning him into a mythical monster.
Inspired by this narrative, I create an illustration with the following description:
Paiji's Eyes
The cyan light of Paiji
Burns the bodies of enemies
pailj's red gaze
Reflects the fear of the tribe
Look at those hundreds of eyes
Afraid of death
The endless spread of malevolence
All because of pailj's red eyes"
Arcylic on Wood
The Dream of the Octopus
In the legends of the Ketagalan tribe, there is a monster resembling a giant octopus that delights in disturbing residents at night, forcing the entire tribe to relocate from their original homeland and cross the sea to Taiwan.

The echoes of this story resonate in the contemporary, and through my interpretation, I've captured this idea in a painting.

'Home' serves as a pronoun, representing not only the realm of life but also the comfort zone cultivated through years of work. When these spaces are threatened, one must respond and react. Perhaps there exists in this world a creature called the 'Monster of Desires,' driving people to make different choices, leaving familiar surroundings, departing from the homes we have grown accustomed to. The painting depicts a tribe member inadvertently touching the eye of the sea monster, leading to the inception of dreams and gradually succumbing to control.
Arcylic on Wood
Princess of Ka-ma-lán
According to legend, on the eastern islands of Taiwan, whenever misty clouds envelop the surroundings, it is believed that Princess Lanyang, now part of the land, is yearning for the Turtle General who transformed into Turtle Island.
In the contemporary echo of this tale, my interpretation brings forth a painting with the following concept:

The princess grapples with a dilemma between her dragon king father and the Turtle General, torn between filial love and romantic affection.
Arcylic on Wood
The artwork utilizes thick wooden panels, employing various cut shapes to convey different elements of the story. The primary media used include acrylic pigments and wax crayons.
This is an ongoing series of works inspired by myths and legendary stories from various regions of Taiwan.
The Echo of Stories

The Echo of Stories
