With an old Cadillac, a metalhead hero wielding a silenced shotgun, the vast expanse of the Utah desert, and a dozen flaming DJI Phantoms, what's not to love?
Shot on location in one day, I used a Sony FS700, a Canon 5D mkIII and a Movi m5.
"Poor Johnny Dronehunter. All this gun-toting, freedom-loving American wanted to do was cruise on down the Utah highway and listen to some rock 'n' roll at sunset. You know — America things. Then a bunch of sinister, privacy-destroying drones all but run him off the road — and that's when Johnny earns his surname." - The Verge, "A Company is Marketing Gun Silencers by Blowing Drones out of the Sky," August 2,2014
Featured on Vice, Slate, the Verge, and countless others, this ad I shot for SilencerCo may have been taken a little too seriously - but it was a seriously fun ad to shoot.
Johnny Dronehunter

Johnny Dronehunter

A shotgun-wielding metalhead must fight off the drones that threaten his privacy. Also an ad for a shotgun silencer (or suppressor, if you're in 자세히 보기
