The Little Brush provides exciting children's art classes where kids explore, create, and make memories. From colorful canvas paintings to playful crafts, TLB fosters an environment where imagination knows no bounds. Our experienced instructors guide little hands through the artistic process, encouraging experimentation and celebrating each unique creation.
Project: The Little Brush  I  Services: Branding, Marketing
Year: 2024   I   Tools: Adobe illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
Project Objective
Provide a creative and nurturing environment where young minds can explore, express, and develop their artistic abilities. Through engaging and age-appropriate art activities, we aim to foster a love for art, boost self-confidence, and stimulate cognitive and emotional growth in children.

Our goal 
To cultivate a lifelong appreciation for art in children by offering a comprehensive and enjoyable learning experience at "The Little Brush" art classes.

Color Palette, Logo variations, Badge of Honor, Badge of Honor Pocket Packaging, Uniform, Drawing Book and Bag and Social Media
Color Palette​​​​​​​
I chose these colors because they combine lively and inviting color palette that aligns with the brand's personality.
​​​​​​​Logo Variations
Having logo variations is essential for a company for several reasons: adaptability, brand consistency, versatility, and visual hierarchy.
Badge of Honor
Every small step is progress, so we give them a badge of honor in The Little Brush. 
Every badge showcases their achievement and serves as a reminder for them to explore and never give up. 

I proposed a design incorporating their brand color, representing the joy, enthusiasm, the stage they are in, and their logo.

Badge of Honor Pocket Packaging
The Badge of Honor comes with simple pocket packaging.

The front design is straightforward, with the logo, tagline, website, and the TLB social media handle for marketing purposes.

The inside pocket contains congratulations on the achievement message and why TLB gave the badge of honor.

There is also an encouragement message for the students to keep going and explore.
The badge of honor is inserted inside the pocket packaging, and the badge can be changed according to different badges depending on the student's achievement.
The educator encourages the children to wear it proudly and let it be a reminder that every one of their creations tells a story of their artistic triumphs. As they venture into the uncharted realms of imagination, let this badge of honor be their sidekick, a talisman of creativity. Remember, the only limit is inside their imagination; they've already proven that it knows no bounds.
Drawing Book and Bag
Social Media
Thank you
The Little Brush


The Little Brush
