Magical Wonder Snails! Package Design and Development
During my print design course at Reinhardt University, we were assigned the task of creating and assembling package designs for imaginary products of our choosing. For my take on the assignment, I took inspiration from blind bag hidden prize boxes you find in stores such as Five Below, Target, or Pop Shelf. The following project was created using Illustrator and Photoshop.
I had a dream where there was a children's television series called The Magical Wonder Snails! As I was changing the channels on my television, I saw a commercial where the product mascot, Wizzie the Wizard Snail, the main character of the series, was promoting a new blind-box product. When starting the project, I did not have a clear vision for the product or packaging design, but after having this dream, the idea became evident.

.As a secondary part of the assignment, we were to create a poster advertising our product. The poster design uses colors from the packaging and includes the logo and mascot from the Magical Wonder Snails! blind-box to showcase a sense of brand consistency and messaging.
Magical Wonder Snails!

Magical Wonder Snails!
