Perfil de Maoby Doodle Art

San Clemente DoodleArt, Town's Skyline

Illustration commissioned by a private individual. 

Due to the silver wedding anniversary (25 years of marriage) of the client's friends, they wanted to give an illustration inspired in their town, San Clemente, Cuenca, Spain.

The main idea was to represent the most representative monument, the old Town Hall. The shape of the building defines the Skyline of the artwork. In addition you can find the characteristic semicircular arch that is also found in the main square. 

It is a town with a lot of life in the street, bars and traditional businesses.

I decided that the light had to be that of a sunset, with warm colors. For this I chose a complementary color palette, with red and orange tones for that luminosity and intensity, and blues for the monumental counterpart that characterizes the town.
San Clemente DoodleArt, Town's Skyline


San Clemente DoodleArt, Town's Skyline
