Profil użytkownika „Sofi Oreshkina”

Project "Overheard in Gubkin, or anonymously, please"

Проект "Подслушано Губкин, или анонимно, пожалуйста".
Project "Overheard in Gubkin, or anonymously, please".
Social networks have long been an integral part of our lives and a place for civic expression. For example, in local VKontakte publics we can come across not only city news, but also descriptions of positive and negative experiences and opinions of local residents, which often veer away from constructive criticism towards toxicity and trolling. A new post is always a Pandora's Box of unexpected reactions and discussions lurking. An unremarkable post can attract momentary heckling from active users. In this paradigm, the author draws from the metaphor of rubbish, including informational rubbish, which, like physical rubbish, is created by people. The artist builds parallels between the small architectural form of the urn (which is more about a functional option) and an artefact of the urban environment, serving as an object of self-discipline of citizens. "The focus of my artistic attention is social media, as it is where we communicate with each other remotely: through avatars, comments and likes. The main feature of such communication is the impossibility of physical contact, which generates a lack of respect for the interlocutor and permissiveness. We have become very proud and convinced that it is secondary for us to consider other people's feelings, emotions and opinions. But often our words turn out to be offensive to someone, whether we say them out loud or write them online, they litter our heads, spaces and subsequently pollute the culture" — Sophie, author of the piece. Urna is about the opportunity to think about how we generate content and how it can be 'sorted' through the development of personal responsibility and SMM hygiene. *All voiced phrases are real comments from Gubkin residents and residents left in local groups.
Саунд-инсталляция разработана по заказу команды уличного фестиваля экспериментального звука и новой академической музыки Sirens для выставки-променада «Тактики прислушивания» в 2022 году. Фестиваль Sirens прошел в 2022 году в Губкине. Все материалы фестиваля переданы в архив Центра современного искусства «Быль».
Автор: Софья Орешкина
Голос: Софья Орешкина, Линетт Дали, Ева Вольская, Иван Гримм, Лола Дедян
Звук: Дмитрий Горячук, Лола Дедян
Дизайн постера: Софья Орешкина

The sound installation was commissioned by the team of the street festival of experimental sound and new academic music Sirens for the exhibition-promenade "Tactics of Listening" in 2022. The Sirens festival took place in 2022 in Gubkin. All materials of the festival have been transferred to the archive of the Centre for Contemporary Art "Byl'".
Author: Sofya Oreshkina
Voice: Sofya Oreshkina, Lynette Daly, Eva Volskaya, Ivan Grimm, Lola Dedyan
Sound: Dmitry Goryachuk, Lola Dedyan
Poster design: Sofia Oreshkina

Project "Overheard in Gubkin, or anonymously, please"


Project "Overheard in Gubkin, or anonymously, please"
