Henkilön Pep Py profiili

Book Collection

This collection has all kinds of moral books, photobooks, magazines, political books.
- Moral books would bring to readers an optimistic view about the miracle in life or moving feeling about unfortunate situations.
- Photobook "Connect Love" is a product related to wedding, with simple design style included combinations of light yellow and heavy brown presented along all pages. Book cover contains the logo (mix of groom&bride's name: B&P) and subjects.

- Japanese magazine shows many parts such as: culture, politic, foods, travel, aboroad study, nature, ect. Japanese specific factors are always available in each topics. Additionally, a range of political books sends many latest political informations to readers, enriching more knowledge about heads of state and their work in Vietnam.  

The Miracles in my Memory
Wedding Photobook "Connect Love"
Japanese Magazine 
Political Book “Dien Bien Phu Victory’s 60th Anniversary” shows events, photos and heroes about Dien Bien Phu Victory.
This book contains 84 pages.
Political Book "Dien Bien Phu Victory's 60th Anniversary"
Series of Political books have many parts, which send many latest political informations to readers, enrich more knowledge about heads of state and their works in Vietnam. There are 100 pages throughout of each book. The pages below will show some layouts from these series. 
Political Series Book "Vietnam Position"
Book Collection

Book Collection

Books Collection still have been updating ...
