Coda 4.0 is a significant milestone that unites the company around a common goal and accelerates revenue by giving prospects and customers a compelling reason to take another look at Coda.
Our brand team embarked on a mission to craft visually engaging content that captures attention and effectively communicates three key features: Coda AI, full-page embeds/2-way sync, and Coda's solutions for every team.
To achieve this, the brand team created a clever typographical logotype that creates an optical illusion, showcasing the seamless efficiency of 2-way sync. Paired with an illustration demonstrating the wide range and flexibility of Coda's solutions, empowered by both human touch and the power of AI strongly.
The goal of this visual storytelling approach is to captivate our audience, making them not only see but truly understand the innovation behind Coda 4.0. It's more than just an upgrade; it's delivering on the promise of becoming a true single source of truth.
Coda 4.0

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Coda 4.0
