Magical Mischief (2023)

Magical Mischief:
Harry Potter Themed Origami Fortune Teller

Wanting to embrace the artistry of Riso printing, I unfolded the intricate folds of an origami, its complexity mirroring the labyrinth of imagination. Choosing the enchanting theme of Harry Potter, I embarked on a quest to choreograph visuals, their placement and orientation akin to a sorcerer casting spells upon a canvas.

The challenge lay not merely in the physicality of paper and ink but in the weaving of a narrative, a storyline that would unfold like the pages of a magical tome. Within this folded parchment, I intricately mapped out a game – an exploration of attributes and relationship dynamics within the sacred bond of tutor and student. A dance of ink and parchment that reveals the secrets of mentorship.

Do you know the Hogwarts houses? Take a leap into this tapestry wonder, and let the magic unfold.
Digital File

As the digital alchemy took form, the file underwent a mystical separation into color layers, each hue a potion carefully chosen. Green, like the verdant landscapes of Hogwarts; yellow, a shimmering beacon of enlightenment; and black, the ink of endless mysteries, all imprinted on a single side, as if the very essence of magic resided within the folds.
Riso Print

The game, a symphony in phases, unfurls with each printed layer, revealing the intertwined choices and destinies of the characters. An added layer of enchantment lies within the accompanying set of instructions, inviting participants to dive deeper into the wellspring of their own imagination. 
Magical Mischief (2023)


Magical Mischief (2023)
