First print:
This was the initial test print for the final outcome of the book. After printing I made changes to the front and back cover. I was happy with the layout and appearance of the book. For this print we stapled the centre of the book but for my final print I will be using a perfect bound finish to add a more professional finish to the book. The full bleed design works well with the images and maximises the space available on the pages, showing off the images as much as possible. 

I am pleased with the combination of images on the pages as I believe it matches the chaotic style of my pictures. During the designing of the book, I tried to have one image per page in a uniform way but this didn't work with the images.
By printing the book I had a visual representation of the final design once it has been printed professionally. This design was A5 but for the final print I plan to size it up to A4 to show the images off more. The print also helped me decide on the finish of the book as I don't like the shiny appearance of the ink and I believe it causes the loss of detail when looking at the images due to the refection of any light.
First print
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First print

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