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Fluorite on Quartz with Bertrandite

Light Blue Fluorite on Drusy Quartz with Bertrandite

75 x 32 x 40 mm / 50g
The front side (pictured above) shows beautiful highly fluorescent fluorite cubes atop a matrix of drusy clear quartz points. There is also an interesting vein of quartz dividing the specimen almost into halves.
75 photos stacked in Helicon Focus and stacked in Adobe Lightroom Classic.
The reverse side of the specimen has tan, tabular to acicular bertrandite clusters scattered throughout the drusy quartz points. You can still see a little fluorite peeking over the top.
70 photos stacked in Helicon Focus and stacked in Adobe Lightroom Classic.
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Fluorite on Quartz with Bertrandite


Fluorite on Quartz with Bertrandite

Gorgeous specimen featuring light blue fluorite cubes on drusy quartz crystal points, with a vein dividing the piece almost into halves. The back Read More
