On Rails!
This was a project made in the span of 5 days, made for Smartphones. Our teams was composed of 5 people.

I had multiple roles in there, participating in the Game Design decisions, and doing the graphic aspects (3D and 2D)
Art Direction
We quickly chose to make it a rythm game, and to only require from the player to tap on the screen as mobile games have limited input.

I then started working on what the game would look like and ended up with a wood train toys esthetic. This would allow a linear readibility, flashy colors and clear feedbacks, as well as not being a too large scope.
3D, Colorimetry and Shaders
I quickly did the 3D, doing different train models, different rails, so we could test how cool / easy to read they would be once on a mobile screen. We ended up going with the ones in the pictures below.

We then did cartoonish shaders and color adjustments to give off some unique visual aspect, it being coherent with and serving our Game Design.

Also quickly worked on the feedbacks which would indicate how synchro was the player when he tapped on his screen. We also added a ribbon on the middle of the train and colored tiles to make it more clear visually when to press (shown in the video demo).
I did the 2D assets in the UI, trying to reproduce the cartoonish shader effect of our 3D assets.

Also did for the first time logo for our game on Photoshop, using some sketches on paper I had done as a reference.
We also had to produce an app Icon to show on the phone, thus I tried two different ones in two styles.

First one was in a "old educational" kind, when second was more inspired by recent quick games (being "childish"). We ended up keeping design number 2.
If you wish to know more about this project, or my collaborators, click here.
And if you're interested in my other projects, here.
On Rails!


On Rails!
