Profil Heidi Sammons

shoot fourteen - The Wardrobe

The Wardrobe is Leicester’s longest running vintage clothing store and they offer a selection on retro, new and vintage clothing. They also have a recently opened store in Northampton. Their vintage collection varies for each season, with an extensive range of clothing, hey stock both mens and women’s with a variety of sizes, textures and colours.
In my personal experience of visiting the store, it’s a very well put together shop, with mens on the bottom floor and womens on the top as well as a changing room. Their clothes and items are all set out and displayed really well so everything is clear to see. It’s nice how they sell a range of different things as well as new items so that people have the choice; however they are known for their vintage, reworked clothing.
Contact Sheets:
These are my contact sheets, I took image outside and inside of the shop as I liked how it overlooked the arcade which was a nice walkway. I like how the images turned out and I made sure to photograph everything possible, as well as some of the staff (with permission). 
Working Images:
I asked my model to wear one of the hats so that more of the clothing and accessories were shown via the portrait photos. I did this one as a close up which is similar to Charlotte Helwigs work which is nice. I also did a picture with the backdrop being the clothing rails, I like whole colourful this image is. 
I took this images from the outside as I wanted to how the carrier bag. I like how in the second one there is some motion blur where the bag has blurred - this looks really nice and adds to the image. I also took an image of the displays in the window - I like this a the mannequins are nicely styled and it makes lthehsop very inviting, also with the jewellery an iron on badges
I got some images of the staff working, I really like these images as they'e very candid and just shows the workers being productive - showing a lot happens behind the scenes to create such a good store. I really like the first image as it was taken through the display in the shop window - she can only slightly see her which is what I like. In the second one I took it in the reflection of the changing room mirror,it almost makes it an illusion which looks cool. 
I did some sequencing with my images. I paired the images through the shop window together as I like them and feel hey fit well together. The last two I like as they're both outside the shop and they're both slightly over exposed which I actually quite like, and looks nice against the bright blue in the logo. 
shoot fourteen - The Wardrobe

shoot fourteen - The Wardrobe


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