Brand identity development
At Switch Branding & Design 2023

In Latin America, The Coca-Cola Company has partnered with different communities, organizations, governments, companies and other allies to participate in several ESG projects in more than 18 countries. However, these projects lacked an identity and a programmatic framework.

I was part of a team at Switch that developed the platform name and identity that unites all the ESG structured programs, projects and initiatives in which Coca-Cola Latin America and the system participates. I developed the logo and brand identity that had to translate across multiple countries, territories and languages.

I worked with multiple Coca-Cola Latin American country and transdisciplinary leads, and also with program leads from the Global Environment and Technology Foundation (GETF), a leader in advancing sustainability by partnering business with governments and civil society to build thriving, resilient communities through innovative approaches and technologies.

Allies (Aliados [ESP] / Aliados [POR] + Bondgenoten and Juntos) is the new unifying masterbrand in Latin America that brings together all the ESG structured programs, projects and initiatives in which Coca-Cola Latin America and the system participates in the extensive universes of water, waste and recycling, and economic empowerment.

Four style guides were developed for each of the brand pillars: master brand, water, economic empowerment and recycling. Below,  just a couple extracts from the Aliados por el agua style guide.
Aliados brings together all the ESG structured programs, projects and initiatives in which Coca-Cola Latin America and the system participates in the extensive universes of water, waste and recycling, and economic empowerment.

