Профиль Esti (Voi)

This morning through the ancient meadow

"Three decades after the devastating war that scarred our nation, the once-fierce battlefields now lay silent, adorned with the skeletal remains of colossal robots. Today, Johan and Mary, once children impacted by the conflict, have matured into adults. In a hopeful turn of events, they set out for the market to partake in the spring festival, a symbol of resilience and renewal.

Mounted on their bikes, the couple navigates the paved roads, the echoes of past destruction overshadowed by the promise of a new beginning. However, as they approach the outskirts, the road fades away, and the skeletal remnants of the war machines force them to continue on foot, pushing their bikes amidst the remnants of a bygone era.

Unbeknownst to Johan and Mary, the air is alive with ethereal energy. Forest green spirits, drawn by the sweet aroma of honey within Mary's basket, gracefully trail the couple. These spirits, a testament to nature reclaiming the battleground, add a touch of magic to the scene as Johan and Mary journey through the transformed landscape toward the spring festival, a symbol of hope and renewal in the wake of the past's turmoil."
This morning through the ancient meadow


This morning through the ancient meadow


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