Profil Alexandra Zambrano Pérez

MDIS 4701 | Study Trip: El Carmén de Viboral

Personal reflection:
This project was fascinating, I had never had the opportunity to meet artists, artisans and experts in the knowledge of traditional crafts who worked in a group with me. This project kept me in constant expectation and uncertainty because I am used to immediacy but in this case I had to understand and know how to wait in a process where the results take time.
It was a therapy to be able to work 100% sketching and designing by hand, I feel that this gives other features to the project and releases certain ideas that do not come out when we are in front of a screen.
From this project I take away:
- An awareness of knowledge in terms of traditional crafts, since with the understanding of the technique, functional proposals can be made.
- An exercise in graphic synthesis, from the complex to the simple, from the detailed to the minimalist, from the two-dimensional to the three-dimensional. Which is a bit difficult for me since I come from exercises and design projects full of detail.
- Working in a short-time workshop allows you to learn to make quick decisions.
- I feel that I have solid bases of graphic composition and that applies to everything, in this case it does not matter if it is a set of dishes if you know how to play with visual rhythm, the project is harmonious.
- What an immense pleasure to work with people who have such a developed visual and spatial memory, practice makes perfect and without a doubt I believe that as designers of a digital age we need more practice in physical reality.

My role: Concept, sketching, prototyping and photography.
Shared Credits: 
Thanks to professor Andrés Amaya, and Margarita Echavarría for their guide in this project.
Special recognition to María Teresa Idarraga and the artist José Ignacio Vélez, since they produce and materialize our ideas.
Jazblady Ruíz: Concept, sketching, prototyping and assistance in photography.
Laura Selene Orozco: Concept and sketching.

MDIS 4701 | Study Trip: El Carmén de Viboral

MDIS 4701 | Study Trip: El Carmén de Viboral
