Alexandra Zambrano Pérez profili

MDIS 4105 | Everyday life in public spaces

Personal reflection
This study exercise for the master's degree challenged many things in me. The first of them was to put myself in the position of being an active actress in the public space and what that entailed, walking through the streets, talking to people I didn't know, understanding spaces and above all daring to act seeking a response from passersby, who are always very self-absorbed and, due to the context of Bogotá, a little cautious
From this particular experience I take away:
- A job that started on screens but 80% of the efforts were physical in real spaces, which led me to move out of my comfort zone.
- Have notions of design strategies to carry out a political activist campaign, where the protagonist was a humanized animal that we used to maintain anonymity.
- Learn about poster design, understand the strategies to “paper” the street without having major problems.
- Understand that for reactions to occur from people, from a design exercise like this, in the some cases you need to be disruptive, transgressive and impetuous.
- Understand that when connections are established with a community interested in the objective of visual communication, a project can grow too much and many things can be achieved that we did not imagine at the beginning.

My role: Outdoor design strategy, concept, illustration, logistics and interventions
Shared Credits:
Liz Pitta Paredes: Co-creation of strategy, logistics and interventions.
Julio Cesar Parra: Logistics and documentary photography.
Thanks to Professor Christiaan Job Nieman, who led this project.
MDIS 4105 | Everyday life in public spaces
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